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Make a lasting impact by participating in a class action lawsuit. Find cases that align with your values and help create positive change.
Lawsuits Settled
Settled In Funds
A lawsuit claims that Walgreen wrongfully overcharged insured customers, health insurers, and other payors for prescription drugs while they were members of the Prescription Savings Club program.
The Clif Bars class action lawsuit alleges misleading advertising regarding the health benefits of Clif Bars. Find out if you're eligible for compensation from the $12 million settlement.
We understand the impact that class action lawsuits can have on people and communities as a whole. These important lawsuits are the area of law that we have chosen to direct our passion and commitment toward. We help our clients to seek the settlements that they are due related to injuries that were caused by the negligence of corporations or the government. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with the injuries and long-term health problems that you might have suffered related to the various class action lawsuits that we are currently working on.